Created an environment for the 20-member team to connect, bond, have fun, and plan for the year ahead
Flew the team to Icehotel, 200km north of the Arctic Circle in Sweden, fully kitted out with cold-weather gear
Event festivities started in the notorious Icebar, made entirely of ice
Team Building adventure:
- Team sent on Skidoos to build an igloo they believed they would sleep in that night
- They built sleeping quarters, were taught survival skills by a local guide, enjoyed dog sleds, and some braved a dip in an ice hole
- Retreated to a remote hunting hut where the executives were relieved to find food, beer, and beds for the night
RESULTS: the team accomplished business planning and team-building, resulting in a stronger leadership team and many ice-laden stories to tell
“It’s an extraordinary capability. Caroline is always focused on her client and the outcome we want. At the end of an event, I always feel like I’ve hired the perfect cross between P.T. Barnum, Chip Heath and Coco Chanel.”